quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2008

Para todos nós, "ALL WE NEED IS LOVE", ao som do violão do menino prodígio coreano

O nome dele é Sungha Jung e, pasmem, ele tem apenas 11 anos e aprendeu a tocar há apenas 2 anos. Pesquisei no Google e leiam o que encontrei no MySpace dele: “Hi, I’m Sungha Jung from South Korea. My dream is to become a professional acoustic fingerstyle guitarist. I had been watching my dad play the guitar for awhile before I finally jumped on it myself two years ago. I just turned eleven in September, 2007. Currently, I am taking weekly classical guitar lessons and teaching myself fingerstyle guitar.I used to not have tabs for the music that I played in my videos. I just listen and pick them up directly from the sound source in videos available on the internet. However, recently, I have started playing with original tabs whenever they are available to me by courtesy of the authors.”

Quem quiser assistir mais vídeos dele é só entrar no YouTube nos links abaixo:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXospFm9VzM&feature=related (Your Song)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFo3NI9re00&feature=related (Alone Again, Naturally)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS0QjEeNYpM (Comme Together)

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